I recall the first time I ever played tennis was with my father on a public tennis court. I was 9 years old. I remember that I simply just enjoyed hitting the ball. Winning nor losing never crossed my mind. Just chasing a ball down with a racket and trying to hit it over the net.
Competition: The Thrill & Nervousness
To be honest my first taste of competition was not a pleasant one. I entered a U12 tournament and by accident played in the U10 category. I lost that local tournament match where my dad even came to watch. The feelings I had were mostly being nervous and embarrassed not so so much about the loss. The disappointed look on my fathers face during the match I still remember.
Times when nothing seems to go right
For example, your shots are just not going in, you can’t seem to win, practice is no fun, you just seem want to quit. We all go through these rough patches and we need to remember NOT to give up and keep moving forward.
A quote that sums up tennis and perhaps life
The obstacles we face whether it is the opponent across the net or our own personal fears, find within yourself that which drives you to get back on your feet.
A balance that we all are perhaps seeking or have already found
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- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。