[Forehand (Basic-swing) Groundstroke]
The main component with the forehand was first the correct grip. Important points such as which bevel the base knuckle of the index finger is holding the racket, how relaxed the hand should be, and using the trigger finger. Second, we focused on elbow and non dominant hand position. 45 degree angle space between the racket elbow and non dominant hand out to the side parallel to the baseline. The final point to the forehand is where to impact the ball in reference to the body. For instance, dropping the ball in front of the left foot and slightly off to the side, hitting the ball as the ball is slightly coming down after the initial bounce, and getting good racket head extension before coming into follow through near the waist.
I had noticed that many beginners and intermediate beginner players when self bounce hitting the ball are dropping the ball not in the most efficient areas therefore maximum efficiency of the swing can not be achieved. Having focusing on the self hit exercise, we moved into the coach tossing the ball out in front and finally into racket feeding from across the net.
[Backhand (Face-up) Groundstroke]
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- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。