Good morning everyone!
Today after dropping off my daughter (Rei) at her pre-school my wife and I decided to stop by THE Met Farm a local hydroponics farm near our home Sukhumvit 101/1.
25THB per head
Compared to the local supermarkets around Bangkok 25THB per head is a bargain for fresh produce.
How Hydroponic produce are grown
For those who have never seen a hydroponic farm here is what it looks like. Basically, rather than planting the seeds into soil, they are placed within small trays where nutrients are mixed with water that is continuously pumped through a system. The plants grow naturally like being in soil. http://www.accenthydroponicsthailand.com/488681/ชุดประกอบdiy
Sprinklers and natural sunlight
The plants start very small inside the trays. Sprinkler heads above also add moisture and nutrients to keep plants healthy.Sunlight in Thailand can be strong so the farmer added a screens on top to allow oxygen but reduce sun.
Enjoy the fresh produce
I enjoy eating a lot of vegetables with my meals. My favorite green vegetable is spinach. Bon Appetit!
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。