This is Kaneko. To everyone in the APF adult class who practiced with me, to the APF juniors who hit with me, and to Coach Sakai who engaged in hard practice with me after the YouTube filming, thank you very much. I owe this achievement to all of you.
To the members who came to support me on site, and to Koji Ito, the former professional tennis player who helped me warm up before today’s final match, and to Hironari Yanagimoto, the former Japan national soccer team defender who also came to support, thank you all. This victory is thanks to your support. I am aiming to participate in the team competition at the ITF World Championships to be held in Ariake, Tokyo, in November.
I will decide in September while assessing my physical condition, injury risks, and whether I can reach the required level. Once again, I express my gratitude to everyone.
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