For international students
バンコクで開催されているallout beatに参加してくれていたメンバーや、
Hi everyone! It’s Brian. I am an ex-P Class Student. Today I would like to share my experience in Yanagawa, Fukuoka. Tsukada Coach kindly arranged a 2-week transfer, for me and Shawn (P Class Student), at Yanagawa High School. Yanagawa High School (柳川高等学校) is a very diverse Japanese high school with many students around the world. The school offers many different courses allowing students to focus on what kind of job they want in the future. The course that I was in was the international course, which focuses on international relations which provides students skills to deal with international relations.
But the main reason that I went to Yanagawa HS was that in the future I decided that I want to go to a Japanese university. Going to high school allowed me to experience the Japanese lifestyle and culture as well. And of course I had to play tennis because Yanagawa HS’s tennis team is quite well known, it would be a shame if I didn’t go and practice there.
The tradition in the tennis team is very unique unlike other traditions in your average high school sports team. The bond between seniors and freshmen are very strong and respect is a key part of it. The training sessions are all without the coach so a lot of discipline is needed.
Usually, on school days there are two practice sessions; one is in the morning which starts at 7:30 am and the other one is in the afternoon which starts at 4:00 pm. The morning sessions are all fitness-based, so it all happens at school. What usually happens is we go to the stairs at school and go up 7 flights of stairs for three sets. After that, we go to the fitness room to do some weight training. In the afternoon it’s all tennis. The practice sessions are usually 3 hours long but if the coach feels like more is needed then it would be 4 hours.
School, in general, starts at 8:50 am but sometimes there is morning class (朝授業) which starts at 7:30. In school, the subjects are quite similar except for home economics which I have never had a class like that before. Home economics was quite fun, we got to do activities which would help us with problems at home such as sewing. Then school ends at 3:30 pm where I have to go clean specific parts of the school.
The school is very connected to the local community and helps out in many aspects. When I was there the local government has asked the transfer students to help translate some of the texts at tourism spots. Which shows that the school is interconnected to the community. Also when I transferred there the class I was in, held a cultural festival for the community to allow other students and people from the community to experience other cultures from different countries. There was plenty of work to do and the entire class had to help each other to make the event successful. This included the stalls we had to make, the decoration, the poster, and etc. The teacher gave us some time to prepare for the event but sometimes we had to do the work outside of class.
In terms of the dorms, it is very different from what I expected at first. The air conditioning is only on from 8:00 pm till 6:50 am, which I had some difficulties with. The power also turns off at 11:00 pm so I couldn’t go on my phone for that long. Breakfast and dinner is all held at the school canteen. For lunch, I eat at the canteen or at the convenience store. Surprisingly the food from the convenience stores in Japan is way better than Thailand’s convenience stores.
In general, I enjoyed this experience and I learned a lot of things. Learning Japanese culture will definitely help me in the future when I go to university. I hope you enjoyed reading this post about my experience in Yanagawa.
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。