Our family went to go see the Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom which recently came out here in Bangkok. My daughter Rei loves dinosaurs’ but I’d have to admit she was really scared on some of the scenes in the movie. For those of you who have lost track of how many Jurassic Park movies have been produced,”I know I have” this is the 5th installation.
- Jurassic Park (1993)
- The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)
- Jurassic Park III (2001)
- Jurassic World (2015)
- Jurassic World: Fallen Kindgom (2018)
- ??? TBD (2021)
[Main Dinosaur] ‘Blue’
The velociraptor named Blue in the movie is an ally to the human(s)
- Blue from the previous movie Jurassic World was part of a special group of experimental dinosaurs
- Blue is different from all the other dinosaurs’ in special ways (won’t give it away)
For me personally, on a scale of [1-10] 1 being the worst and 10 being a great movie I would place the movie at a 6. The storyline became a bit too ridiculous from the original movie, but do not take my word for it go see it for yourself.
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- Written by APF Academies
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