Am I am teacher or am I a coach? What is the difference? What do you think the difference is? Lately I have been pondering this question about my position, my role, my contribution to my community and to all people.
Is a teacher is a coach suppose to teach the answer?
This is the right way this is the wrong way. Do like this, but don’t do like that. This is how to get the [Answer] here I’ll show you. Is this what a teacher or a coach is supposed to be?
The coach who makes you…
[THINK] The coach who does not give you the [ANSWER]. Why are you being so mean? Well we’re not we are preparing you for something bigger which you can not [SEE] right now.
[CREATE] the answer for yourself
Ultimately, there is no right or wrong. It is [white] it is [blank] for a reason. You [CREATE] it!
Enjoy the Rollercoaster ride
It is all a journey of ups and downs. So enjoy the journey.
And in the end guess what it’s all about…
I am just another human being sharing my life through this vehicle called tennis. Caring for others through this vehicle called tennis. So what vehicle are you going to choose? What do you think it really all means? What message am I really here to spread?
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