Hello everyone!
Have you ever wondered why there are so many different colored taxis in Thailand & what do they all mean? Well, now you will know.
Single color Taxi
pink, purple, violet, tan, blue, yellow, orange, red, bright green, and bright sky blue. These taxi’s are
- Company taxi
- Taxi co-operation (personal or alliance)
- Rental Taxi company
By law, taxi company must register their company to the Department of Land & Transportation. New Taxis from 2008 must be yellow with blue registered numbers.
Bi-Color Taxi
- bi-color taxi are the old series belong to companies and co-operational.
- blue-red & yellow green
- yellow-green taxis are only type of taxi owned by individuals
I personally feel these drivers are more friendly. Taxi drivers who belong to companies refuse drivers because
- Their shift is about to end
- They do not want to travel in the direction opposite of their home
- They do not want to drive opposite of where they need take the taxi
- They do not want to be penalized for bringing back a late taxi back to the company
Yellow Toyota Prius
- Launched under ‘All Thai Taxi’ project of Nakhonchai Air Co., Ltd.
- launched in order to provide better quality of taxi service to all people
- Download the app http://www.allthaitaxi.com/website/en/home/
Uber & Grab Taxi
I personally use UBER when it rains. I never encounter any problems with UBER. True, the price may be higher but I like the cleanliness of the taxi, set price, and set destination without needing to explain to the driver where I need to go.
Yesterday my wife and I had an incident with a company taxi driver. When we arrived to our condo, the driver did not want to give the security guard his ID in exchange for a pass and told us to pay and get off. Second, he became upset when my wife accidentally paid one baht less than the 41 baht fee and started to ramble about how she had a foreign husband who is wealthy enough to pay so do not be so cheap. My wife called and complained to the taxi company about this driver by writing down his license plate and taxi number.
I recommend the yellow-green taxis that are owned by the driver. They are generally more friendly.
For more information and to join a free trial lesson visit:
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。