Hello everyone,
Thank you for joining the open house. We were able to showcase the versatility of our APF Program even when the level was mixed. Everyone was able to practice on a specific topic and also receive individual advice. We’d like to introduce the participants starting from the left 2nd row: Koki, Emily, Tomoyasu, Nina, Thomas, and Vanessa. The two in the front starting from the left Aut and Tyler.
Mighty Thomas with his forehand swing
Nice having Thomas and his younger Venessa sister. Thomas loves football, but also has tennis skills. His younger sister towards the end of the lesson was starting to impressively make good contact with the ball!
Lovely Nina who has promising skills
We hope to see Nina around soon. She definitely has experience and displayed those skill(s) on the court.
Pleasant surprise to see Koki & Tomoyasu
They both are former students who came to support the program. I have known them for more than five years. Time has certainly gone by and they’ve grown so much.
For more information and to join a free trial lesson visit:
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。