Special lesson schedule from 11th October



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This time, the schedule will be updated from 11th October to 17th October.
The reservation start time is from 8:30 on Friday (1st October) from this time, so please be careful not to make a mistake.Reservations can be made until 11th October.

If you have any questions , please feel free to contact us.apfabkk@gmail.com

Special lesson schedule from 11th to 17th October

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* Please note that the lesson time for ST class on Tuesday has changed from 10:30 to 09:00.

Due to Covid measures, the maximum number of students per class is 8 ppl.

ticket promotion until 31st October

tennis lesson

Reservation start date

8:30am on 1st October, Friday.
* Please note that the reservation start time has changed.

Reservation method

(1)Special lessons must be booked by Service ace (SA) or by phone (026656278).
Currently, every Wednesday is a regular holiday.
*If you do not have a lesson ticket, you can make a reservation from the additional reservation (plus one lesson) of Service Ace.

(2)You can participate in the lesson with a lesson ticket.
If you do not have a lesson ticket, please purchase one before taking the lesson.

(3)If there is only one group lesson participant, the lesson time will be 60 minutes as the group lesson will be changed to a private lesson.
Please note that the lesson may be canceled if you do not apply by the day before the lesson.

【About cancellation】
*Cancellation of the reserved ticket is until 23:59 the day before if it is a service ace. If you call, please call us by 18:30 (during business hours) the day before.
*Please contact us if you want to take a break from the lesson on the day. In that case (No-show), you can re-transfer with a separate fee of THB150 within the expiration date. Please note that if you take a rest without contacting us, you will not be able to make a transfer.

Requests when coming APF

(1)We ask you to measure body temperature, sterilize with alcohol gel and wash your hands thoroughly, wear a mask except for lessons, and check in with a QR code.

(2)Please refrain from attending lessons if you have a fever or if you are in poor physical condition such as coughing, runny nose or other symptoms.

We have youtube channel in English

Tennis IQ


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初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。