Hello everyone!
Today is the final day to register for the allout ZERO1 Pattaya.
Thank you for the 20+ students who will be participating.
See you next week!
Developing the strength(s) from『ZERO』to『1』is the focus『ZERO1』
The first of the 3 part series [February/June/ September], allout ZERO1 Pattaya tennis camp with take place Feb. 24th(Sat)~Feb. 25th(Sun). A mini program which is part of the annual『allout beat』program. The juniors at this camp will learn and improve upon fundamental technique, tactics, and building habits to play at the competition level.
Created by All Japan Champion Kaneko Hideki
A two day camp fully utlizing the time both on & off court. Who is Pro Kaneko?
Start with Fundamentals
Understanding proper body mechanics, basic swing mechanics through many [keywords].
Be advised & learn hands on from Pro Kaneko
Watch, listen, ask, copy, repeat, steal, and make proper mistakes. Don’t let this chance get away to learn new information and knowledge from former ATP top 200 ranked, Japan Davis cup, and Asian games gold medalist.
Practicing the Serve
Receive good tips and advice from coach Ken Tsukada on the serve.
Hotel BBQ by the ocean
Learning how to eat a balanced meal is part of practice made into habit.
Early morning run before breakfast
Sleep well and wake up early. Get the heart rate up!
Cooling down after a full day of practice
Cool down at the pool and enjoy after the morning and afternoon session.
We look forward to seeing new juniors taking the challenge and how much our previous campers have improved from allout ZERO1 2017 Pattaya.
When Feb24th(Sat)~ Feb 25th(Sun) 1 night 2 days
View the link below for past camp blog(s)
ZERO1 Pattaya (1)
ZERO 1 Pattaya (2)
To Register?
APF Members: Service Ace system (SA)
Non members: APF Academies front reception / email: apfabkk@gmail.com / call: 02.665.6278 / mobile: 081.901/6843
contact person: Coach George Kidera
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。