Hello everyone!
This is Matsushita. I’d like to inform our new membership promotion in March!
You can choose 1 promotion from 2 selection.
※Each promotion needs to be membership more than 2 months.
①Lesson fee is discounted to 1,000 baht for 2 months!
If you sign up for new membership within 31st March ,
- lesson fee of 1st month is 1,000 baht!
- lesson fee of 2nd month is also 1,000 baht!!
So you can take our group lesson by 2,000 baht for 2 months.
You can check the price list from this link.
②Tennis racket give away!
Same like selection① , if you sign up for new membership within 31st March ,
You can get tennis racket!
You can try our group lesson free!Please apply for free trial first!
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。