Hey guys!I’m MATSUSHITA!
Today I will inform you our special junior class on Saturdays and Sundays.
What is special class?
We are going to train below.
- Basic technique
- Rally
- Tactics
- Match practice
If you want your kids to get improved more , maybe 1 time a week is not enough.
Because practice means that being piled up experience.
2 times a week is better , of course. 3 or 4 times are better!
Just hitting is not practice.
Our APF academies tennis group lesson is programed to learn how to play tennis, not only how to hit.
If you just hit the ball , it is ok because you can enjoy tennis! That is tennis.
But if you want to win or get improved , I recommend you learn how to play tennis.
Schedule for each class
For JF class
- 9(Sat) 12:00pm~1:30pm
- 16(Sat) 12:00pm~1:30pm
For JA class
- 10(Sun) 12:15pm~1:45pm
- 17(Sun) 12:15pm~1:45pm
For PP class
- 10(Sun) 12:15pm~1:45pm
- 17(Sun) 12:15pm~1:45pm
You can book our Junior special class at APF academies reception.
※APFacademies’ members only.
Or please call to book between 08:30am to 6:30pm.
TEL 02-665-6278
MOBILE 081-901-6843
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