Thank you Yonex Thailand for organizing this event. Stepping outside my normal surroundings was nice and a great opportunity to be amongst the Thai tennis community. This has been my 3rd event participation and was delightful to be able to contribute even more this time around. I wish more expat juniors and tennis international enthusiast including all APF Academies members could have experienced this event. http://www.thanacitygolf.com
Great tennis enthusiasm
Mostly juniors of different levels and a few adults joined the workshop. From first time clay court goers to juniors who play competitive tennis. There was something for everybody. We all had a great time sliding in all directions on the artificial clay.
Learning to slide on clay
Keeping your weight forward while sliding is the tricky part. Most of the time the weight ends up on the back foot.
Big thanks to organizer Khun Jack
Khun Jack has invited me to several Yonex events over this year. I am honored to be a part of his well respected network. I wish to collaborate with him more in the near future.
Sample from the two greatest
The juniors get a big kick out of Paradon blasting away, creating wicked angles, and kicking the ball high off the ground. Danai did an awesome job keeping the ball nice and steady.
Former APF student(s) came out
Thanks Koki & Tomo for both coming out. They both attend the ASB school green valley campus which is virtually neighbors to Thana City Sports Club. Although we did not fully understand what was being spoken in Thai we enjoyed ourselves through the game of tennis which we all love.
For future information visit Yonex Thailand
For more information and to join a free trial lesson visit:
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。