5 of 6 participating students were from N.I.S.T today. Today’s lesson was from 9:00-11:00 and the topic discussed was about ‘Zones’ [Defense, Neutral, Attack, Finish.] Building awareness of what zone are you playing from, what kind of ball are you trying to achieve, and which zone is your opponent standing in? [Photo featured: Taro(left) & Kazuoki(right)]
[Girls trying to stay cool]
Pam & Lisa know each other from school. Lisa’s water bottle has an additional spray feature. Actually, the weather was ok today because of the rain from early in the morning. It was a challenge for Lisa to practice and play against Pam while Pam had to focus on her consistency and reading skills.
[The lone wolf and his buddy]
Kla(left) goes to a Thai school which they are still in summer break, while Takaoki(right) is also a fellow N.I.S.T. student. They were practice partners and played against each other. A good match up.
[The Zones]
I recommend students to watch other matches both juniors and professionals. Here are 2 links from the 2016 Junior Australian Open Boys & Girls Finals. Try to just observe which ‘ZONE’ each player is in and how player positions change.
1.Oliver Anderson v Jurabeck Karimov – Junior Boys’ Singles Final | Australian Open 2016
2. Vera Lapko v Tereza Mihalikova – Junior Girls’ Singles Final | Australian Open 2016
Try just observing for 5~10 min.
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- Written by APF Academies
- 初心者でも安心!一般レッスンからプロ選手コースまで充実。バンコク最大のテニスクラブ、APF Academies。